Medic (special enemy)

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Medics are special units that will instantly and fully heal a nearby unit when it takes potentially lethal damage. The mysterious sponsors of the crackdown have devoted considerable resources to making these units more effective force multipliers for the police, especially when used with ZEAL forces.


Crackdown mod foregoes the healing animation which normally occurs when a Medic resurrects an enemy. This slightly reduces the player's ability to "double tap" an enemy to kill them through the Medic's healing cooldown. All Medics on difficulties below Crackdown wield assault rifles.

On the Crackdown difficulty, Medics heal all units around them whenever their heal behavior occurs. The cooldown for healing is also reduced. Finally, Crackdown difficulty Medics wield armor-piercing magnums instead of conventional assault rifles.


Medic Basic Stats
Difficulty Health Headshot multiplier Head HP Damage Resistances Point-blank damage Notes
Normal 180 3x 60 None 20
Hard 180 3x 60 None 20
Very Hard 240 3x 80 None 45
Overkill 240 3x 80 None 45
Mayhem 320 3x 106.67 None 60
Death Wish 320 3x 106.67 None 60
Crackdown 480 3x 160 None 80 AoE healing ability, reduced cooldown. Uses armor-piercing magnum.

Damage and accuracy falloff tables to be added at a later date.

Tips & Trvia

  • Medics can heal other Medics! Beware of the potential threat when they team up.
  • To slightly balance their offensive abilities, Zeal Medics have very low accuracy with their first shot.


  • Medic units in the Crackdown mod consistently use red and white as highlight colors, along with a tier-specific underlying uniform scheme. These units also have unique outlines that are close to medic units as initially introduced in Payday 2.
  • On Crackdown difficulty, Medics are intended to be an absolute top-tier threat under many circumstances, as they pose both a direct risk, and can create effectively immortal "knots" of enemies.