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The Heavy skill tree is a set of Total Crackdown player skills specializing in Heavy weapons (no surprise) and the ammunition supplies to sustain them. Players using these skills can deal extended bursts of massive damage, but can also deploy improved ammo bags to keep their guns (and their team members) supplied.

Heavy Skills
War Machine

War Machine Skill Icon

Basic: Heavy Weapons gain twice as much bonus Ammunition Reserves from Ammo Bags.

Aced: Increases the base Ammunition Reserve bonus from Ammo Bags to +100%.

Lead Farmer

Lead Farmer Skill Icon

Basic: Heavy Weapons load 20% of their Magazine every 2 seconds while stowed.

Aced: Heavy Weapons with a deployed Bipod load 20% of their Magazine (rounded down) every 2 seconds.

Armory Regular

Armory Regular Skill Icon

Basic: Increases your Ammo Bag supply to 2.

Aced: Increases your Ammo Bag supply to 3.

Note: Does not increase the amount of Ammunition Reserves from Ammo Bags.

Death Grips

Death Grips Skill Icon

Basic: Heavy Weapons gain +4 Accuracy and +4 Stability for 8 seconds per kill, stacking up to 10 times.

Aced: Accuracy bonus increased to +8.


Bulletstorm Skill Icon

Basic: Ammo Bags placed by you grant players the ability to shoot without depleting their ammunition for up to 5 seconds after interacting with it. The more ammo players replenish, the longer the duration of the effect.

Aced: Increases the base duration of the effect by up to 15 seconds.

Collateral Damage

Collateral Damage Skill Icon

Basic: Heavy Weapons deal 50% of their damage in a 0.25 meter radius around the bullet trajectory.

Aced: Heavy Weapons ADS 90% faster.

Note: Collateral Damage can deal Headshots and does not stack with the bullet's damage.

Design Notes


