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G-men, or Gensec Sentinels, are a Crackdown-exclusive guard type that appear in Cracked heists on the Crackdown difficulty.

The Gensec Sentinels were trained by Gensec and are used by their mysterious sponsors to reinforce security at places commonly targeted by the Payday Gang. Though well-trained, the Sentinels are a minor threat on their own- instead, they principally serve as to prevent the Clowns from evading detection. G-men wear pagers that wire their cardiovascular system to a direct satellite uplink that bypasses the technology used in the gang's electronic countermeasures.


G-men cannot be shouted down or intimidated, and hit unusually hard. This combination of features makes alerting them in stealth extremely hazardous. If a G-man is shouted down or killed, their pager will not be blocked by ECMs.


Gensec Sentinel Basic Stats
Difficulty Health Headshot multiplier Head HP Damage Resistances Point-blank damage Notes
Crackdown 150 3x 50 None 80 Does not surrender. Pager ignores ECMs.

Damage and accuracy falloff tables to be added at a later date.


  • Gensec places these guards at major entrances where they are hard to avoid, or in places where security has previously been weak.
  • Look out for the G-man's unique coat and (when outdoors) hat.
  • Alerting a G-man should never be an accident. Think carefully about whether you can leave them alone.
  • Although the G-man's pager ignores ECMs, their intercom currently doesn't. Under extremely narrow circumstances, you can temporarily deal with an alerted G-man by simply leaving them alive and setting off a chain of sequenced ECMs to block their call.


  • G-men are a high-level obstacle intended to force players who have "optimized" a particular stealth heist to use alternate routes.
  • G-men are intended to be highly visible at a distance with a distinct outline, while still conveying that they are clandestine operators.